Canonically ordered semifields #
A canonically linear ordered field is a linear ordered field in which a ≤ b
iff there exists
with b = a + c
- add : α → α → α
- zero : α
- nsmul : ℕ → α → α
- nsmul_zero : ∀ (x : α), AddMonoid.nsmul 0 x = 0
- nsmul_succ : ∀ (n : ℕ) (x : α), AddMonoid.nsmul (n + 1) x = AddMonoid.nsmul n x + x
- le : α → α → Prop
- lt : α → α → Prop
- le_refl : ∀ (a : α), a ≤ a
- bot : α
- mul : α → α → α
- one : α
- natCast : ℕ → α
- natCast_zero : NatCast.natCast 0 = 0
- natCast_succ : ∀ (n : ℕ), NatCast.natCast (n + 1) = NatCast.natCast n + 1
- npow : ℕ → α → α
- npow_zero : ∀ (x : α), CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.npow 0 x = 1
- npow_succ : ∀ (n : ℕ) (x : α), CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.npow (n + 1) x = CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.npow n x * x
- exists_pair_ne : ∃ (x : α), ∃ (y : α), x ≠ y
- zero_le_one : 0 ≤ 1
In a strict ordered semiring,
0 ≤ 1
. Left multiplication by a positive element is strictly monotone.
Right multiplication by a positive element is strictly monotone.
- min : α → α → α
- max : α → α → α
- compare : α → α → Ordering
A linear order is total.
- decidableLE : DecidableRel fun (x x_1 : α) => x ≤ x_1
In a linearly ordered type, we assume the order relations are all decidable.
- decidableEq : DecidableEq α
In a linearly ordered type, we assume the order relations are all decidable.
- decidableLT : DecidableRel fun (x x_1 : α) => x < x_1
In a linearly ordered type, we assume the order relations are all decidable.
The minimum function is equivalent to the one you get from
.The minimum function is equivalent to the one you get from
.- compare_eq_compareOfLessAndEq : ∀ (a b : α), compare a b = compareOfLessAndEq a b
Comparison via
is equal to the canonical comparison given decidable<
. - inv : α → α
- div : α → α → α
a / b := a * b⁻¹
- zpow : ℤ → α → α
The power operation:
a ^ n = a * ··· * a
;a ^ (-n) = a⁻¹ * ··· a⁻¹
times) - zpow_zero' : ∀ (a : α), CanonicallyLinearOrderedSemifield.zpow 0 a = 1
a ^ 0 = 1
- zpow_succ' : ∀ (n : ℕ) (a : α), CanonicallyLinearOrderedSemifield.zpow (Int.ofNat (Nat.succ n)) a = CanonicallyLinearOrderedSemifield.zpow (Int.ofNat n) a * a
a ^ (n + 1) = a ^ n * a
- zpow_neg' : ∀ (n : ℕ) (a : α), CanonicallyLinearOrderedSemifield.zpow (Int.negSucc n) a = (CanonicallyLinearOrderedSemifield.zpow (↑(Nat.succ n)) a)⁻¹
a ^ -(n + 1) = (a ^ (n + 1))⁻¹
The inverse of
in a group with zero is0
.Every nonzero element of a group with zero is invertible.
- CanonicallyLinearOrderedSemifield.toLinearOrderedCommGroupWithZero = let __src := inst; ⋯ CanonicallyLinearOrderedSemifield.zpow ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
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