Perfect Sets #
In this file we define properties of Perfect
subsets of a metric space,
including a version of the Cantor-Bendixson Theorem.
Main Statements #
: A perfect nonempty set in a complete metric space admits an embedding from the Cantor space.
References #
- [kechris1995] (Chapters 6-7)
Tags #
accumulation point, perfect set, cantor-bendixson.
{α : Type u_1}
[MetricSpace α]
{C : Set α}
(hC : Perfect C)
{ε : ENNReal}
(hnonempty : Set.Nonempty C)
(ε_pos : 0 < ε)
A refinement of Perfect.splitting
for metric spaces, where we also control
the diameter of the new perfect sets.
{α : Type u_1}
[MetricSpace α]
{C : Set α}
(hC : Perfect C)
(hnonempty : Set.Nonempty C)
[CompleteSpace α]
∃ (f : (ℕ → Bool) → α), Set.range f ⊆ C ∧ Continuous f ∧ Function.Injective f
Any nonempty perfect set in a complete metric space admits a continuous injection
from the Cantor space, ℕ → Bool
{α : Type u_1}
[TopologicalSpace α]
[PolishSpace α]
{C : Set α}
(hC : IsClosed C)
(hunc : ¬Set.Countable C)
∃ (f : (ℕ → Bool) → α), Set.range f ⊆ C ∧ Continuous f ∧ Function.Injective f
Any closed uncountable subset of a Polish space admits a continuous injection
from the Cantor space ℕ → Bool