

false_or_by_contra tactic #

Changes the goal to False, retaining as much information as possible:

If the goal is False, do nothing. If the goal is an implication or a function type, introduce the argument. (If the goal is x ≠ y, introduce x = y.) Otherwise, for a goal P, replace it with ¬ ¬ P and introduce ¬ P.

Changes the goal to False, retaining as much information as possible:

If the goal is False, do nothing. If the goal is an implication or a function type, introduce the argument and restart. (In particular, if the goal is x ≠ y, introduce x = y.) Otherwise, for a propositional goal P, replace it with ¬ ¬ P (attempt to find a Decidable instance, but otherwise falling back to working classically) and introduce ¬ P. For a non-propositional goal use False.elim.

Instances For
    partial def falseOrByContra (g : Lean.MVarId) (useClassical : optParam (Option Bool) none) :

    Changes the goal to False, retaining as much information as possible:

    If the goal is False, do nothing. If the goal is an implication or a function type, introduce the argument and restart. (In particular, if the goal is x ≠ y, introduce x = y.) Otherwise, for a propositional goal P, replace it with ¬ ¬ P (attempt to find a Decidable instance, but otherwise falling back to working classically) and introduce ¬ P. For a non-propositional goal use False.elim.

    Changes the goal to False, retaining as much information as possible:

    If the goal is False, do nothing. If the goal is an implication or a function type, introduce the argument and restart. (In particular, if the goal is x ≠ y, introduce x = y.) Otherwise, for a propositional goal P, replace it with ¬ ¬ P (attempt to find a Decidable instance, but otherwise falling back to working classically) and introduce ¬ P. For a non-propositional goal use False.elim.

    Instances For