

Canonical embedding of a number field #

The canonical embedding of a number field K of degree n is the ring homomorphism K →+* ℂ^n that sends x ∈ K to (φ_₁(x),...,φ_n(x)) where the φ_i's are the complex embeddings of K. Note that we do not choose an ordering of the embeddings, but instead map K into the type (K →+* ℂ) → ℂ of -vectors indexed by the complex embeddings.

Main definitions and results #

Tags #

number field, infinite places

The canonical embedding of a number field K of degree n into ℂ^n.

Instances For
    theorem NumberField.canonicalEmbedding.apply_at {K : Type u_1} [Field K] (φ : K →+* ) (x : K) :

    The image of canonicalEmbedding lives in the -submodule of the x ∈ ((K →+* ℂ) → ℂ) such that conj x_φ = x_(conj φ) for all ∀ φ : K →+* ℂ.

    A -basis of ℂ^n that is also a -basis of the integerLattice.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For

      The mixed embedding of a number field K of signature (r₁, r₂) into ℝ^r₁ × ℂ^r₂.

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      Instances For

        The linear map that makes canonicalEmbedding and mixedEmbedding commute, see commMap_canonical_eq_mixed.

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        Instances For

          This is a technical result to ensure that the image of the -basis of ℂ^n defined in canonicalEmbedding.latticeBasis is a -basis of ℝ^r₁ × ℂ^r₂, see mixedEmbedding.latticeBasis.

          @[inline, reducible]

          The type indexing the basis stdBasis.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For

            The -basis of ({w // IsReal w} → ℝ) × ({ w // IsComplex w } → ℂ) formed by the vector equal to 1 at w and 0 elsewhere for IsReal w and by the couple of vectors equal to 1 (resp. I) at w and 0 elsewhere for IsComplex w.

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For

              The Equiv between index K and K →+* ℂ defined by sending a real infinite place w to the unique corresponding embedding w.embedding, and the pair ⟨w, 0⟩ (resp. ⟨w, 1⟩) for a complex infinite place w to w.embedding (resp. conjugate w.embedding).

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              Instances For

                The matrix that gives the representation on stdBasis of the image by commMap of an element x of (K →+* ℂ) → ℂ fixed by the map x_φ ↦ conj x_(conjugate φ), see stdBasis_repr_eq_matrixToStdBasis_mul.

                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                Instances For

                  Let x : (K →+* ℂ) → ℂ such that x_φ = conj x_(conj φ) for all φ : K →+* ℂ, then the representation of commMap K x on stdBasis is given (up to reindexing) by the product of matrixToStdBasis by x.

                  A -basis of ℝ^r₁ × ℂ^r₂ that is also a -basis of the image of 𝓞 K.

                  Instances For

                    The generalized index of the lattice generated by I in the lattice generated by 𝓞 K is equal to the norm of the ideal I. The result is stated in terms of base change determinant and is the translation of NumberField.det_basisOfFractionalIdeal_eq_absNorm in ℝ^r₁ × ℂ^r₂. This is useful, in particular, to prove that the family obtained from the -basis of I is actually an -basis of ℝ^r₁ × ℂ^r₂, see fractionalIdealLatticeBasis.

                    A -basis of ℝ^r₁ × ℂ^r₂ that is also a -basis of the image of the fractional ideal I.

                    Instances For
                      @[inline, reducible]

                      The convex body defined by f: the set of points x : E such that ‖x w‖ < f w for all infinite places w.

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                      Instances For
                        @[inline, reducible]

                        The fudge factor that appears in the formula for the volume of convexBodyLT.

                        Instances For

                          The volume of (ConvexBodyLt K f) where convexBodyLT K f is the set of points x such that ‖x w‖ < f w for all infinite places w.

                          theorem NumberField.mixedEmbedding.adjust_f (K : Type u_1) [Field K] {f : NumberField.InfinitePlace KNNReal} [NumberField K] {w₁ : NumberField.InfinitePlace K} (B : NNReal) (hf : ∀ (w : NumberField.InfinitePlace K), w w₁f w 0) :
                          ∃ (g : NumberField.InfinitePlace KNNReal), (∀ (w : NumberField.InfinitePlace K), w w₁g w = f w) ( Finset.univ fun (w : NumberField.InfinitePlace K) => g w ^ NumberField.InfinitePlace.mult w) = B

                          This is a technical result: quite often, we want to impose conditions at all infinite places but one and choose the value at the remaining place so that we can apply exists_ne_zero_mem_ringOfIntegers_lt.

                          @[inline, reducible]

                          A version of convexBodyLT with an additional condition at a fixed complex place. This is needed to ensure the element constructed is not real, see for example exists_primitive_element_lt_of_isComplex.

                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                          Instances For
                            @[inline, reducible]

                            The fudge factor that appears in the formula for the volume of convexBodyLT'.

                            Instances For
                              @[inline, reducible]

                              The function that sends x : ({w // IsReal w} → ℝ) × ({w // IsComplex w} → ℂ) to ∑ w, ‖x.1 w‖ + 2 * ∑ w, ‖x.2 w‖. It defines a norm and it used to define convexBodySum.

                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                              Instances For
                                theorem NumberField.mixedEmbedding.convexBodySumFun_continuous (K : Type u_1) [Field K] [NumberField K] :
                                Continuous NumberField.mixedEmbedding.convexBodySumFun
                                @[inline, reducible]

                                The convex body equal to the set of points x : E such that ∑ w real, ‖x w‖ + 2 * ∑ w complex, ‖x w‖ ≤ B.

                                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                Instances For
                                  @[inline, reducible]

                                  The fudge factor that appears in the formula for the volume of convexBodyLt.

                                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                  Instances For

                                    The bound that appears in Minkowski Convex Body theorem, see MeasureTheory.exists_ne_zero_mem_lattice_of_measure_mul_two_pow_lt_measure. See NumberField.mixedEmbedding.volume_fundamentalDomain_idealLatticeBasis_eq and NumberField.mixedEmbedding.volume_fundamentalDomain_latticeBasis for the computation of volume (fundamentalDomain (idealLatticeBasis K)).

                                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                    Instances For

                                      Let I be a fractional ideal of K. Assume that f : InfinitePlace K → ℝ≥0 is such that minkowskiBound K I < volume (convexBodyLT K f) where convexBodyLT K f is the set of points x such that ‖x w‖ < f w for all infinite places w (see convexBodyLT_volume for the computation of this volume), then there exists a nonzero algebraic number a in I such that w a < f w for all infinite places w.

                                      A version of exists_ne_zero_mem_ideal_lt where the absolute value of the real part of a is smaller than 1 at some fixed complex place. This is useful to ensure that a is not real.

                                      A version of exists_ne_zero_mem_ideal_lt' for the ring of integers of K.