Fermat’s Last Theorem for Exponent 3

3 Fermat’s Last Theorem for Exponent 3

3.1 Case 1

Lemma 3.1

Let \(n \in \mathbb {N}\).
Let \(\left[n \right] \in \mathbb {Z}_9\).
Let \(3 \nmid n\).

Then \(\left[n \right]^3 = 1 \lor \left[n \right]^3 = 8\).


By Lemma 1.31, we can conclude that \(\left[n \right]^3 = 1 \lor \left[n \right]^3 = 8\).

Theorem 3.2 Fermat’s Last Theorem for 3: Case 1

Let \(a, b, c \in \mathbb {N}\).
Let \(3 \nmid abc\).

Then \(a ^3 + b ^3 \neq c ^3\).


By hypothesis we know that \(3 \nmid abc\), which implies that \(3 \nmid a\), \(3 \nmid b\) and \(3 \nmid c\).
By repeatedly applying Lemma 3.1 for each case, we can conclude that

\[ a ^3 + b ^3 \neq c ^3. \]

3.2 Case 2

Lemma 3.3

Let \(a, b, c \in \mathbb {N}\).
Let \(3 \mid a\) and \(3 \mid b\).
Let \(a ^3 + b ^3 = c ^3\).

Then \(3 \mid \gcd (a,b,c)\).


By hypothesis we have that \(3 \mid a^3 + b^3 = c^3\), which implies that \(3 \mid c\), from which we can conclude that \(3 \mid \gcd (a,b,c)\).

Lemma 3.4

Let \(a, b, c \in \mathbb {N}\).
Let \(3 \mid a\) and \(3 \mid c\).
Let \(a ^3 + b ^3 = c ^3\).

Then \(3 \mid \gcd (a,b,c)\).


By hypothesis we have that \(3 \mid c^3 - a^3 = b^3\), which implies that \(3 \mid b\), from which we can conclude that \(3 \mid \gcd (a,b,c)\).

Lemma 3.5

Let \(a, b, c \in \mathbb {N}\).
Let \(3 \mid b\) and \(3 \mid c\).
Let \(a ^3 + b ^3 = c ^3\).

Then \(3 \mid \gcd (a,b,c)\).


By hypothesis we have that \(3 \mid c^3 - b^3 = a^3\), which implies that \(3 \mid a\), from which we can conclude that \(3 \mid \gcd (a,b,c)\).

Theorem 3.6

To prove Theorem 3.66, it suffices to prove that

\[ \forall a, b, c \in \mathbb {Z}, \text{ if } c \neq 0 \text{ and } 3 \nmid a \text{ and } 3 \nmid b \text{ and } 3 \mid c \text{ and } \gcd (a,b)=1, \text{ then } a^3 + b^3 \neq c^3. \]


\[ \forall a, b, c \in \mathbb {Z}, \text{ if } c \neq 0 \text{ and } 3 \nmid a \text{ and } 3 \nmid b \text{ and } 3 \mid c \text{ and } \gcd (a,b)=1, \text{ then } a^3 + b^3 \neq c^3 \]

implies Theorem 3.66.


By contradiction we assume that

\[ \exists a,b,c \in \mathbb {N}\smallsetminus \left\{ 0\right\} \text{ such that } a^3 + b^3 = c^3. \]

By Lemma 1.30 we can assume that \(\gcd (a,b,c)=1\).
By Theorem 3.2 we can assume that \(3 \mid a b c\), from which it follows that

\[ (3 \mid a) \lor (3 \mid b) \lor (3 \mid c). \]

We proceed by analysing each case:

  • Case \(3 \mid a\).
    Let \(a'=-c\), \(b'=b\), \(c'=-a\), then \(3 \mid c'\) and

    \[ (a'\neq 0) \land (b'\neq 0) \land (c' \neq 0). \]

    Then \(3 \nmid a'\) since otherwise by Lemma 3.4 we would have that \(3 \mid \gcd (a,b,c)=1\) which is absurd.
    Analogously, by Lemma 3.3 we have that \(3 \nmid b'\).
    By contradiction we assume that \(\gcd (a',b') \neq 1\) which, by basic divisibility properties, implies that there is a prime \(p\) such that \(p \mid a'\) and \(p \mid b'\). It follows that \(p \mid b'^3 + a'^3 = b^3 - c^3 = -a^3\), which implies that \(p \mid a\).
    Therefore \(p \mid \gcd (a,b,c)=1\) which is absurd.
    Moreover, we have that \(a'^3 + b'^3 = -c^3 + b^3 = -a^3 = c'^3\) that contradicts our hypothesis.

  • Case \(3 \mid b\).
    Let \(a'=a\), \(b'=-c\), \(c'=-b\).
    The rest of the proof is analogous to the first case using Lemma 3.3 and Lemma 3.5.

  • Case \(3 \mid c\). Let \(a'=a\), \(b'=b\), \(c'=c\).
    The rest of the proof is analogous to the first case using Lemma 3.4 and Lemma 3.5.

Therefore, we can conclude that \(a^3 + b^3 \neq c^3\).

Definition 3.7 Solution’

Let \(a, b, c \in \mathcal{O}_K\) such that \(c \neq 0\) and \(\gcd (a,b)=1\).
Let \(\lambda \nmid a\), \(\lambda \nmid b\) and \(\lambda \mid c\).

A solution’ is a tuple \(S'=(a, b, c, u)\) satisfying the equation \(a^3 + b^3 = u c^3.\)

Definition 3.8 Solution

Let \(a, b, c \in \mathcal{O}_K\) such that \(c \neq 0\) and \(\gcd (a,b)=1\).
Let \(\lambda \nmid a\), \(\lambda \nmid b\), \(\lambda \mid c\) and \(\lambda ^2 \mid a+b\).

A solution is a tuple \(S=(a, b, c, u)\) satisfying the equation \(a^3 + b^3 = u c^3\).

Definition 3.9 Multiplicity of Solution’

Let \(S'=(a, b, c, u)\) be a \(solution'\).

The multiplicity of \(S'\) is the largest \(n \in \mathbb {N}\) such that \(\lambda ^n \mid c\).

Definition 3.10 Multiplicity of Solution

Let \(S=(a, b, c, u)\) be a \(solution\).

The multiplicity of \(S\) is the largest \(n \in \mathbb {N}\) such that \(\lambda ^n \mid c\).

Definition 3.11 Minimal Solution

Let \(S=(a, b, c, u)\) be a \(solution\).

We say that \(S\) is minimal if for all solutions \(S_1=(a_1,b_1,c_1,u_1)\), the multiplicity of \(S\) is less than or equal to the \(multiplicity\) of \(S_1\).

Lemma 3.12

Let \(S'=(a, b, c, u)\) be a \(solution'\).

Then the multiplicity of \(S'\) is finite.


It directly follows from Lemma 2.10.

Lemma 3.13

Let \(S\) be a \(solution\) with multiplicity \(n\).

Then there is a minimal solution \(S_1\).


Straightforward since \(n \in \mathbb {N}\) and \(\mathbb {N}\) is well-ordered.

Lemma 3.14

Let \(S'=(a, b, c, u)\) be a \(solution'\).

Then \(\lambda ^4 \mid a^3 - 1 \land \lambda ^4 \mid b^3 + 1\) or \(\lambda ^4 \mid a^3 + 1 \land \lambda ^4 \mid b^3 - 1\).


Since \(\lambda \nmid a\), then \(\lambda ^4 \mid a^3 - 1 \lor \lambda ^4 \mid a^3 + 1\) by Lemma 2.23. Since \(\lambda \nmid b\), then \(\lambda ^4 \mid b^3 - 1 \lor \lambda ^4 \mid b^3 + 1\) by Lemma 2.23. We proceed by analysing each case:

  • Case \(\lambda ^4 \mid a^3 - 1 \land \lambda ^4 \mid b^3 - 1\). Since \(\lambda \mid c\) we have that \(\lambda \mid c^3-(a^3-1)-(b^3-1) = 2\), which is absurd by Lemma 2.13.

  • Case \(\lambda ^4 \mid a^3 + 1 \land \lambda ^4 \mid b^3 + 1\). Since \(\lambda \mid c\) we have that \(\lambda \mid (a^3-1)+(b^3-1)-c^3 = 2\), which is absurd by Lemma 2.13.

  • Case \(\lambda ^4 \mid a^3 - 1 \land \lambda ^4 \mid b^3 + 1\). Trivial.

  • Case \(\lambda ^4 \mid a^3 + 1 \land \lambda ^4 \mid b^3 - 1\). Trivial.

Lemma 3.15

Let \(S'=(a, b, c, u)\) be a \(solution'\).

Then \(\lambda ^4 \mid c^3\).


Apply Lemma 3.14 and then compute each case.

Lemma 3.16

Let \(S'=(a, b, c, u)\) be a \(solution'\).

Then \(\lambda ^2 \mid c\).


Apply Lemma 3.15.

Lemma 3.17

Let \(S'=(a, b, c, u)\) be a \(solution'\) with multiplicity \(n\).

Then \(2 \leq n\).


It directly follows from Lemma 3.16.

Lemma 3.18

Let \(S=(a, b, c, u)\) be a \(solution\) with multiplicity \(n\).

Then \(2 \leq n\).


It directly follows from Lemma 3.17.

Lemma 3.19

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(S'=(a, b, c, u)\) be a \(solution'\).

Then \(a^3 + b^3 = (a + b) (a + \eta b) (a + \eta ^2 b)\).


Straightforward calculation using Lemma 2.16 and Lemma 2.18.

Lemma 3.20

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(S'=(a, b, c, u)\) be a \(solution'\).

Then \((\lambda ^2 \mid a + b) \lor (\lambda ^2 \mid a + \eta b) \lor (\lambda ^2 \mid a + \eta ^2 b)\).


By contradiction we assume that

\[ (\lambda ^2 \nmid a + b) \land (\lambda ^2 \nmid a + \eta b) \land (\lambda ^2 \nmid a + \eta ^2 b). \]

Then, by definition, the multiplicity of \(\lambda \) in \(a + b\), in \(a + \eta b\) and in \(a + \eta ^2 b\) is less than \(2\). By properties of divisibility, Lemma 3.16 and Lemma 3.19, we have that

\[ \lambda ^6 \mid u c^3 = a^3 + b^3 = (a + b) (a + \eta b) (a + \eta ^2 b). \]

Then, the multiplicity of \(\lambda \) in \((a + b) (a + \eta b) (a + \eta ^2 b)\) is greater than or equal to \(6\).
By Lemma 2.8 \(\lambda \) is prime, so we have that the multiplicity of \(\lambda \) in \((a + b) (a + \eta b) (a + \eta ^2 b)\) is the sum of the multiplicities of \(\lambda \) in \(a + b\), in \(a + \eta b\) and in \(a + \eta ^2 b\), which is less than \(6\). This is a contradiction that forces us to conclude that

\[ (\lambda ^2 \mid a + b) \lor (\lambda ^2 \mid a + \eta b) \lor (\lambda ^2 \mid a + \eta ^2 b). \]
Lemma 3.21

Let \(S'=(a, b, c, u)\) be a \(solution'\).

Then \(\exists a_1,b_1 \in \mathcal{O}_k\) such that \(S_1=(a_1,b_1,c,u)\) is a \(solution\).


By Lemma 3.20, we have that

\[ (\lambda ^2 \mid a + b) \lor (\lambda ^2 \mid a + \eta b) \lor (\lambda ^2 \mid a + \eta ^2 b). \]

We proceed by analysing each case:

  • Case \(\lambda ^2 \mid a + b\). Trivial using \(a_1=a\) and \(b_1=b\).

  • Case \(\lambda ^2 \mid a + \eta b\). Let \(a_1=a\) and \(b_1=\eta b\).
    By Lemma 2.16, we have that \(a^3 + (\eta b)^3 = a^3 + b^3 = u c^3\).
    By properties of coprimes and Lemma 2.17, we have that \(\gcd (a,b)=1\) implies that \(\gcd (a,\eta b)=1\).
    Since \(a_1=a\), we already know that \(\lambda \nmid a = a_1\).
    By contradiction we assume that \(\lambda \mid b_1 = \eta b\), which, by Lemma 2.16, it implies that \(\lambda \mid \eta ^2 \eta b = b\) that contradicts our assumption, forcing us to conclude that \(\lambda \nmid b_1\).

  • Case \(\lambda ^2 \mid a + \eta ^2 b\). Let \(a_1=a\) and \(b_1=\eta ^2 b\).
    By Lemma 2.16, we have that \(a^3 + (\eta ^2 b)^3 = a^3 + b^3 = u c^3\).
    By properties of coprimes and Lemma 2.17, we have that \(\gcd (a,b)=1\) implies that \(\gcd (a,\eta ^2 b)=1\).
    Since \(a_1=a\), we already know that \(\lambda \nmid a = a_1\).
    By contradiction we assume that \(\lambda \mid b_1 = \eta ^2 b\), which, by Lemma 2.16, it implies that \(\lambda \mid \eta \eta ^2 b = b\) that contradicts our assumption, forcing us to conclude that \(\lambda \nmid b_1\).

Therefore, we can conclude that \(\exists a_1,b_1 \in \mathcal{O}_k\) such that \(S_1=(a_1,b_1,c,u)\) is a \(solution\).

Lemma 3.22

Let \(S'\) be a \(solution'\) with multiplicity \(n\).

Then there is a \(solution\text{ }S\) with multiplicity \(n\).


Let \(S'=(a',b',c',u')\). Let \(a, b\) be the units given by Lemma 3.21. Then \(S=(a,b,c',u')\) is a \(solution'\) with multiplicity \(n\).

Lemma 3.23

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(S=(a, b, c, u)\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(a + \eta b = (a + b) + \lambda b\).


Trivial calculation.

Lemma 3.24

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(S=(a, b, c, u)\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(\lambda \mid a + \eta b\).


Trivial since \(\lambda \mid a+b\).

Lemma 3.25

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(S=(a, b, c, u)\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(\lambda \mid a + \eta ^2 b\).


Since \(\lambda \mid a+b\), then \(\lambda \mid (a + b) + \lambda ^2 b + 2 \lambda b = a + \eta ^2 b\).

Lemma 3.26

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(S=(a, b, c, u)\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(\lambda ^2 \nmid a + \eta b\).


By contradiction we assume that \(\lambda ^2 \mid a + \eta b\), which implies that \(\lambda ^2 \mid a + b + \lambda b\) by Lemma 3.23. Since \(\lambda ^2 \mid a+b\), then \(\lambda ^2 \mid \lambda b\), which implies that \(\lambda \mid b\), that contradicts Definition 3.8 forcing us to conclude that \(\lambda ^2 \nmid a + \eta b\).

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(S=(a, b, c, u)\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(\lambda ^2 \nmid a + \eta ^2 b\).


By contradiction using Lemma 2.18, we assume \(\lambda ^2 \mid a +\eta ^2 b = a + b -b + \eta ^2 b\). Since \(\lambda ^2 \mid a+b\), then \(\lambda ^2 \mid b (\eta ^2 -1) = \lambda b (\eta + 1)\). Since \(\lambda \nmid b\), then \(\lambda \mid \eta +1 = \lambda +2\), then \(\lambda \mid 2\) which is absurd.

Lemma 3.28

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(S=(a, b, c, u)\) be a \(solution\).

Then \((\eta + 1) (-\eta ) = 1\).


Trivial calculation using Lemma 2.18.

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(S=(a, b, c, u)\) be a \(solution\).
Let \(p \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be a prime such that \(p \mid a+b\) and \(p \mid a+\eta b\).

Then \(p\) is associated with \(\lambda \).


We proceed by analysis each case:

  • Case \(p \mid \lambda \). It directly follows from Lemma 2.8.

  • Case \(p \nmid \lambda \).
    By hypothesis, we have that \(p \mid a+b\) and \(p \mid a+\eta b\). Then \(p \mid (a+\eta b) - (a+b) = b (\eta -1) = b \lambda \), which implies that \(p \mid b\) and we proceed analogously to show that \(p \mid a\).
    Therefore \(p \mid \gcd (a,b)=1\) which is absurd.

Therefore, we can conclude that \(p\) is associated with \(\lambda \).

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(S=(a, b, c, u)\) be a \(solution\).
Let \(p \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be a prime such that \(p \mid a+b\) and \(p \mid a+\eta ^2 b\).

Then \(p\) is associated with \(\lambda \).


We proceed by analysis each case:

  • Case \(p \mid \lambda \). It directly follows from Lemma 2.8.

  • Case \(p \nmid \lambda \).
    By hypothesis, we have that \(p \mid a+ b\) and \(p \mid a+\eta ^2 b\). By Lemma 2.16 and Lemma 2.17, we have that

    \[ p \mid \eta ((a+\eta ^2 b) - (a+ b)) = - (\eta ^3 - \eta ) b = \lambda b, \]

    which implies that \(p \mid b\) and we proceed analogously to show that \(p \mid a\).
    Therefore \(p \mid \gcd (a,b)=1\) which is absurd.

Therefore, we can conclude that \(p\) is associated with \(\lambda \).

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(S=(a, b, c, u)\) be a \(solution\).
Let \(p \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be a prime such that \(p \mid a+\eta b\) and \(p \mid a+\eta ^2 b\).

Then \(p\) is associated with \(\lambda \).


We proceed by analysis each case:

  • Case \(p \mid \lambda \). It directly follows from Lemma 2.8.

  • Case \(p \nmid \lambda \).
    By hypothesis, we have that \(p \mid a+\eta b\) and \(p \mid a+\eta ^2 b\). Then \(p \mid (a+\eta ^2 b) - (a+\eta b) = \eta b (\eta -1) = \eta b \lambda \), which, by Lemma 2.17, implies that \(p \mid b\) and we proceed analogously to show that \(p \mid a\).
    Therefore \(p \mid \gcd (a,b)=1\) which is absurd.

Therefore, we can conclude that \(p\) is associated with \(\lambda \).

Definition 3.32 \(x,y,z,w\)

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(S=(a, b, c, u)\) be a \(solution\).

We define \(x \in \mathcal{O}_K\) such that \(a + b = \lambda ^{3n-2} x\).
We define \(y \in \mathcal{O}_K\) such that \(a + \eta b = \lambda y\).
We define \(z \in \mathcal{O}_K\) such that \(a + \eta ^2 b = \lambda z\).
We define \(w \in \mathcal{O}_K\) such that \(c = \lambda ^n w\).

Lemma 3.33

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(S\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(\lambda \nmid y\).


By contradiction we assume that \(\lambda \mid y\), which implies that \(\lambda ^2 \mid \lambda y = a + \eta b\), that contradicts Lemma 3.26 forcing us to conclude that \(\lambda \nmid y\).

Lemma 3.34

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(S\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(\lambda \nmid z\).


By contradiction we assume that \(\lambda \mid z\), which implies that \(\lambda ^2 \mid \lambda z = a + \eta ^2 b\), that contradicts Lemma 3.27 forcing us to conclude \(\lambda \nmid z\).

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(S=(a, b, c, u)\) be a \(solution\) with multiplicity \(n\).

Then \(\lambda ^{3n -2} \mid a + b\).


By Definition 3.10 we have that \(\lambda ^n \mid c\). Since \(u\) is a unit, then by Lemma 3.19 we have that

\[ \lambda ^{3n} \mid u c^3 = a^3 + b^3 = (a+b)(a + \eta b)(a + \eta ^2 b) = (a+b)(\lambda y)(\lambda z). \]

Then applying Lemma 3.33 and Lemma 3.34, we can conclude that \(\lambda ^{3n-2} \mid a+b\).

Lemma 3.36

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(S\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(\lambda \nmid w\).


By contradiction we assume that \(\lambda \mid w\), which implies \(\lambda ^{n+1} \mid \lambda ^n w = c\) that contradicts Definition 3.10 forcing us to conclude that \(\lambda \nmid w\).

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(S\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(\lambda \nmid x\).


By contradiction, if \(\lambda \mid x\), then \(\lambda ^{3n-1} \mid \lambda ^{3n-2} x = a+b\). Using Lemma 3.24 and Lemma 3.25, we have that \(\lambda ^{3n+1} \mid (a+b) (a + \eta b) (a + \eta ^2 cdot b) = a^3+b^3 = u c^3 = u \lambda ^{3n} w^3\). Then \(\lambda \mid w^3\) which implies that \(\lambda \mid w\), that contradicts Lemma 3.36 forcing us to conclude \(\lambda \nmid x\).

Lemma 3.38

Let \(S\) be a \(solution\) with multiplicity \(n\).

Then \(\gcd (x,y) = 1\).


Since \(y \neq 0\) by Lemma 3.33, by the properties of PIDs it suffices to prove that \(\forall p \in \mathcal{O}_K\) if \(p\) is prime and \(p \mid x\), then \(p \nmid y\). Let \(p \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be prime and suppose by contradiction that \(p \mid x\) and \(p \mid y\) which implies that \(p \mid \lambda ^{3n-2} x = a+b\) and \(p \mid \lambda y = a + \eta b\). Then by Lemma 3.29 we have that \(p\) is associated with \(\lambda \), which implies that \(\lambda \mid x\) that contradicts Lemma 3.37 forcing us to conclude that \(p \nmid y\), which, as stated above, implies that \(\gcd (x,y)=1\).

Lemma 3.39

Let \(S\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(\gcd (x,z) = 1\).


Since \(z \neq 0\) by Lemma 3.34, by the properties of PIDs it suffices to prove that \(\forall p \in \mathcal{O}_K\) if \(p\) is prime and \(p \mid x\), then \(p \nmid z\). Let \(p \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be prime and suppose by contradiction that \(p \mid x\) and \(p \mid z\) which implies that \(p \mid \lambda ^{3n-2} x = a+b\) and \(p \mid \lambda z = a + \eta ^2 b\). Then by Lemma 3.30 we have that \(p\) is associated with \(\lambda \), which implies that \(\lambda \mid x\) that contradicts Lemma 3.37 forcing us to conclude that \(p \nmid z\), which, as stated above, implies that \(\gcd (x,z)=1\).

Lemma 3.40

Let \(S\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(\gcd (y, z) = 1\).


Since \(z \neq 0\) by Lemma 3.34, by the properties of PIDs it suffices to prove that \(\forall p \in \mathcal{O}_K\) if \(p\) is prime and \(p \mid y\), then \(p \nmid z\). Let \(p \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be prime and suppose by contradiction that \(p \mid y\) and \(p \mid z\) which implies that \(p \mid \lambda y = a+\eta b\) and \(p \mid \lambda z = a + \eta ^2 b\). Then by Lemma 3.31 we have that \(p\) is associated with \(\lambda \), which implies that \(\lambda \mid y\) that contradicts Lemma 3.33 forcing us to conclude that \(p \nmid z\), which, as stated above, implies that \(\gcd (y,z)=1\).

Lemma 3.41

Let \(S\) be a \(solution\) with multiplicity \(n\).

Then \(3n - 2 + 1 + 1 = 3n\).


It directly follows from Lemma 3.18 and calculations using ring properties.

Let \(S=(a,b,c,u)\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(x y z = u w^3\).


It directly follows from Definition 3.32, Lemma 3.19, Lemma 2.9, Lemma 3.18 and calculations using ring properties.

Lemma 3.43

Let \(S\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(\exists u_1 \in \mathcal{O}^\times _K\) and \(\exists X \in \mathcal{O}_K\) such that \(x = u_1 X^3\).


By the properties of PIDs, it suffices to prove that there exists a \(k\in \mathcal{O}_K\) such that \(xk\) is a cube and \(\gcd (x,k)=1\). Let \(k = yzu^{-1}\), then \(xk = x y z u^{-1} = w^3\) by Lemma 3.42. Moreover, since \(\gcd (x,y)=1\) by Lemma 3.38 and \(\gcd (x,z)=1\) by Lemma 3.39, then \(\gcd (x,yz)=1\), which implies that \(\gcd (x,k)=1\).

Lemma 3.44

Let \(S\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(\exists u_2 \in \mathcal{O}^\times _K\) and \(\exists Y \in \mathcal{O}_K\) such that \(y = u_2 Y^3\).


By the properties of PIDs, it suffices to prove that there exists a \(k\in \mathcal{O}_K\) such that \(yk\) is a cube and \(\gcd (y,k)=1\). Let \(k = xzu^{-1}\), then \(yk = y x z u^{-1} = w^3\) by Lemma 3.42. Moreover, since \(\gcd (x,y)=1\) by Lemma 3.38 and \(\gcd (y,z)=1\) by Lemma 3.40, then \(\gcd (y,xz)=1\), which implies that \(\gcd (y,k)=1\).

Lemma 3.45

Let \(S\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(\exists u_3 \in \mathcal{O}^\times _K\) and \(\exists Z \in \mathcal{O}_K\) such that \(z = u_3 Z^3\).


By the properties of PIDs, it suffices to prove that there exists a \(k\in \mathcal{O}_K\) such that \(zk\) is a cube and \(\gcd (z,k)=1\). Let \(k = xyu^{-1}\), then \(zk = z x y u^{-1} = w^3\) by Lemma 3.42. Moreover, since \(\gcd (x,z)=1\) by Lemma 3.39 and \(\gcd (y,z)=1\) by Lemma 3.40, then \(\gcd (z,xy)=1\), which implies that \(\gcd (z,k)=1\).

Definition 3.46 \(u_1,u_2,u_3,u_4,u_5,X,Y,Z\)

Let \(S\) be a \(solution\).

We define \(u_1 \in \mathcal{O}^\times _K\) and \(X \in \mathcal{O}_K\) such that \(x = u_1 X^3\).
We define \(u_2 \in \mathcal{O}^\times _K\) and \(Y \in \mathcal{O}_K\) such that \(y = u_2 Y^3\).
We define \(u_3 \in \mathcal{O}^\times _K\) and \(Z \in \mathcal{O}_K\) such that \(z = u_3 Z^3\).
We define \(u_4 = \eta u_3 u_2^{-1}\).
We define \(u_5 = -\eta ^2 u_1 u_2^{-1}\).

Lemma 3.47

Let \(S\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(X \neq 0\).


By contradiction we assume that \(X = 0\), then \(x = 0\) by Definition 3.46. Therefore \(\lambda \) trivially divides \(x\) (as any number divides zero) which contradicts Lemma 3.37 forcing us to conclude that \(X \neq 0\).

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(S\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(\lambda \nmid X\).


By contradiction we assume that \(\lambda \mid X\), then, by the properties of divisibility, \(\lambda \mid u_1 X^3\), which implies, by Definition 3.46, that \(\lambda \mid x\). However, this contradicts Lemma 3.37 forcing us to conclude that \(\lambda \nmid X\).

Lemma 3.49

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(S\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(\lambda \nmid Y\).


By contradiction we assume that \(\lambda \mid Y\), then, by the properties of divisibility, \(\lambda \mid u_2 Y^3\), which implies, by Definition 3.46, that \(\lambda \mid y\). However, this contradicts Lemma 3.33 forcing us to conclude that \(\lambda \nmid Y\).

Lemma 3.50

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(S\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(\lambda \nmid Z\).


By contradiction we assume that \(\lambda \mid Z\), then, by the properties of divisibility, \(\lambda \mid u_3 Z^3\), which implies, by Definition 3.46, that \(\lambda \mid z\). However, this contradicts Lemma 3.34 forcing us to conclude that \(\lambda \nmid Z\).

Lemma 3.51

Let \(S\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(\gcd (Y, Z) = 1\).


Since \(Z \neq 0\) by Lemma 3.50, by the properties of PIDs it suffices to prove that \(\forall p \in \mathcal{O}_K\) if \(p\) is prime and \(p \mid Y\), then \(p \nmid Z\). Let \(p \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be prime and suppose by contradiction that \(p \mid Y\) and \(p \mid Z\) which implies that \(p \mid u_2 Y^3 = y\) and \(p \mid \lambda u_3 Z^3 = z\). But this contradicts Lemma 3.40 forcing us to conclude that \(p \nmid Z\), which, as stated above, implies that \(\gcd (Y,Z)=1\).

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(S\) be a \(solution\) with multiplicity \(n\).

Then \(u_1 X^3 \lambda ^{3n-2}+u_2 \eta Y^3 \lambda + u_3 \eta ^2 Z^3 \lambda = 0\).


Applying Definition 3.46, Definition 3.32, Lemma 2.16 and Lemma 2.18, we have

\begin{align*} u_1 X^3 \lambda ^{3n-2}+u_2 \eta Y^3 \lambda + u_3 \eta ^2 Z^3 \lambda & = x \lambda ^{3n-2} + \eta y \lambda + \eta ^2 z \lambda \\ & = (a+b) + \eta (a+\eta b) + \eta ^2 (a+\eta ^2 b) \\ & = a (1 + \eta + \eta ^2) + b (1 + \eta ^4 + \eta ^2) \\ & = (a+b)(1+\eta +\eta ^2)\\ & = (a+b)0 = 0 \end{align*}
Lemma 3.53

Let \(S\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(u_4\) is a unit.


By Definition 3.46 \(u_4 = \eta u_3 u_2^{-1}\), which is a product of units by Lemma 2.17. Since the product of units is a unit (multiplicative closure), it follows that \(u_4\) must also be a unit.

Lemma 3.54

Let \(S\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(u_5\) is a unit.


By Definition 3.46 \(u_5 = -\eta ^2 u_1 u_2^{-1}\), which is a product of units since \(\eta ^3 = 1\) by Lemma 2.16 and \(-\eta (-\eta ^2) = \eta ^3\). Since the product of units is a unit (multiplicative closure), it follows that \(u_5\) must also be a unit.

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(S\) be a \(solution\) with multiplicity \(n\).

Then \(Y^3 + u_4 Z^3 = u_5 (\lambda ^(n-1) X)^3\).


Using Lemma 2.17, Lemma 2.9, it suffices to show that

\[ \lambda \eta u_2 (Y^3 + u_4 Z^3) = \lambda \eta u_2 u_5 (\lambda ^(n-1) X)^3 \]

which can be proved by simple calculations involving Lemma 2.16, Lemma 3.18 and Lemma 3.52.

Lemma 3.56

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(S\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(\lambda ^2 \mid \lambda ^4\).


Straightforward application of the definition of divisibility.

Lemma 3.57

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(S\) be a \(solution\) with multiplicity \(n\).

Then \(\lambda ^2 \mid u_5 (\lambda ^{n - 1} X)^3\).


Using Lemma 3.18, we have that \(\lambda ^2 \mid \lambda ^2 u_5 \lambda ^{3n-5} X^3 = u_5 (\lambda ^{n - 1} X)^3\).

Let \(S\) be a \(solution\).

Then \(u_4 \in \left\{ -1,1\right\} \subset \mathcal{O}_K\).


Let \(n \in \mathbb {N}\) be the multiplicity of the solution \(S\).
By Theorem 2.4, it suffices to prove that

\[ \exists m \in \mathbb {Z}\text{ such that } \lambda ^2 \mid u_4 - m. \]

By Lemma 2.23 and Lemma 3.49, we have that

\[ (\lambda ^4 \mid Y^3 - 1) \lor (\lambda ^4 \mid Y^3 + 1). \]

By Lemma 2.23 and Lemma 3.50, we have that

\[ (\lambda ^4 \mid Z^3 - 1) \lor (\lambda ^4 \mid Z^3 + 1). \]

We proceed by analysing each case:

  • Case \((\lambda ^4 \mid Y^3 - 1) \land (\lambda ^4 \mid Z^3 - 1)\).
    Let \(m=-1\) and consider the fact that

    \[ u_4 - m = Y^3 + u_4 Z^3 - (Y^3 - 1) - u_4 (Z^3 - 1). \]

    By Lemma 3.55, we have that

    \[ u_4 - m = u_5 (\lambda ^{n-1} X)^3 - (Y^3 - 1) - u_4 (Z^3 - 1). \]

    Since, by Lemma 3.57, we know that

    \[ \lambda ^2 \mid u_5 (\lambda ^{n-1} X)^3 \]

    and, by Lemma 3.56 and by assumption, we have that

    \[ \lambda ^2 \mid Y^3 - 1 \land \lambda ^2 \mid Z^3 - 1, \]

    Then, we can conclude that

    \[ \lambda ^2 \mid u_4 - m. \]
  • Case \((\lambda ^4 \mid Y^3 - 1) \land (\lambda ^4 \mid Z^3 + 1)\).
    Let \(m=1\) and proceed similarly to the first case.

  • Case \((\lambda ^4 \mid Y^3 + 1) \land (\lambda ^4 \mid Z^3 - 1)\).
    Let \(m=1\) and proceed similarly to the first case.

  • Case \((\lambda ^4 \mid Y^3 + 1) \land (\lambda ^4 \mid Z^3 + 1)\).
    Let \(m=-1\) and proceed similarly to the first case.

Lemma 3.59

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(S\) be a \(solution\) with multiplicity \(n\).

Then \(Y^3 + (u_4 Z)^3 = u_5 (\lambda ^{n-1} X)^3\).


By Lemma 3.58, we have that \(u_4 \in \left\{ -1,1\right\} \), which implies that \(u_4^2 = 1\).
Therefore, by Lemma 3.55, we can conclude that

\[ Y^3 + (u_4 Z)^3 = u_5 (\lambda ^{n-1} X)^3. \]
Definition 3.60 Final Solution’

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(S = (a,b,c,u)\) be a \(solution\) with multiplicity \(n\).
Let \(S_f' = (Y,u_4 Z, \lambda ^{n-1} X, u_5)\).

Then \(S_f'\) is a \(solution'\).

Lemma 3.61

Let \(S\) be a \(solution\) with multiplicity \(n\).

Then \(S_f'\) has multiplicity \(n-1\).


Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \((a',b',c',u') = S_f'\) be the final \(solution'\), then \(\lambda ^{n-1} \mid \lambda ^{n-1} X = c'\). By contradiction we assume that \(\lambda ^n \mid c'\) which implies that \(\lambda \mid X\), that contradicts Lemma 3.48 forcing us to conclude that \(\lambda ^{n} \nmid c'\). Then \(S_f'\) has multiplicity \(n-1\).

Let \(S\) be a \(solution\) with multiplicity \(n\).

Then \(S_f'\) has multiplicity \(m{\lt}n\).


It directly follows from Lemma 3.61 since \(m = n-1 {\lt} n\).

Theorem 3.63

Let \(S\) be a \(solution\) with multiplicity \(n\).

Then there is a \(solution\) with multiplicity \(m{\lt}n\).


It directly follows from Lemma 3.61 and Lemma 3.62.

Theorem 3.64 Generalised Fermat’s Last Theorem for Exponent \(3\)

Let \(K = \mathbb {Q}(\zeta _3)\) be the third cyclotomic field.
Let \(\mathcal{O}_K = \mathbb {Z}[\zeta _3]\) be the ring of integers of \(K\).
Let \(\mathcal{O}^\times _K\) be the group of units of \(\mathcal{O}_K\).
Let \(\zeta _3 \in K\) be any primitive third root of unity.
Let \(\eta \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be the element corresponding to \(\zeta _3 \in K\).
Let \(\lambda \in \mathcal{O}_K\) be such that \(\lambda = \eta -1\).
Let \(a, b, c \in \mathcal{O}_K\) and \(u \in \mathcal{O}^\times _K\) such that \(c \neq 0\) and \(\gcd (a,b)=1\).
Let \(\lambda \nmid a\), \(\lambda \nmid b\) and \(\lambda \mid c\).

Then \(a^3 + b^3 \neq u c^3\).


By contradiction we assume that there are \(a, b, c \in \mathcal{O}_K\) and \(u \in \mathcal{O}^\times _K\) such that \(c \neq 0\), \(\gcd (a,b)=1\), \(\lambda \nmid a\), \(\lambda \nmid b\), \(\lambda \mid c\) and \(a^3 + b^3 = u c^3\). Then \(S'=(a,b,c,u)\) is a \(solution'\), which implies that there is a \(solution\) \(S\) by Lemma 3.22. Then, by Lemma 3.13, there is a minimal solution \(S_0\) with multiplicity \(n\). Hence, there is a \(solution'\) \(S_1'\) with multiplicity \(m{\lt}n\) by Theorem 3.63, which implies that there is a \(solution\) \(S_1\) with multiplicity \(m\) by Lemma 3.22. However, this contradicts the minimality of \(S_0\) forcing us to conclude that \(a^3 + b^3 \neq u c^3\).

Lemma 3.65

To prove Theorem 3.66, it suffices to prove Theorem 3.64.
Equivalently, Theorem 3.64 implies Theorem 3.66.


Assume that \(\forall a, b, c \in \mathcal{O}_K,\, \forall u \in \mathcal{O}^\times _K\) such that \(c \neq 0\), \(\gcd (a,b)=1\), \(\lambda \nmid a\), \(\lambda \nmid b\) and \(\lambda \mid c\), it holds that \(a^3 + b^3 \neq u c^3\). Let \(a, b, c \in \mathbb {Z}\) such that \(a\neq 0\), \(b\neq 0\) and \(c\neq 0\). By Theorem 3.6, we can assume that \(\gcd (a,b)=1\), \(3 \nmid a\), \(3 \nmid b\), \(3 \mid c\). By contradiction we assume that \(a^3 + b^3 = c^3\) and let \(u = 1\).

  • By contradiction we assume that \(\lambda \mid a\), which implies that the norm of \(\lambda \) divides \(a\) by Lemma 2.6, which implies that \(3 \mid a\) by Lemma 2.5, that contradicts the assumption that \(3 \nmid a\) forcing us to conclude that \(\lambda \nmid a\).

  • By contradiction we assume that \(\lambda \mid b\), which implies that the norm of \(\lambda \) divides \(b\) by Lemma 2.6, which implies that \(3 \mid b\) by Lemma 2.5, that contradicts the assumption that \(3 \nmid b\) forcing us to conclude that \(\lambda \nmid b\).

  • \(\lambda \mid 3\) by Lemma 2.7 and \(3 \mid c\), then \(\lambda \mid c\).

By our first assumption \(a^3 + b^3 \neq u c^3 = 1 c^3 = c^3 = a^3 + b^3\) which is absurd.

3.3 Conclusion

Theorem 3.66 Fermat’s Last Theorem for Exponent \(3\)

Let \(a, b, c \in \mathbb {N}\).
Let \(a \neq 0\), \(b \neq 0\) and \(c \neq 0\).

Then \(a^3 + b^3 \neq c^3\).


By Lemma 3.65 and Theorem 3.64, we can conclude that

\[ a^3 + b^3 \neq c^3. \]